sábado, 12 de mayo de 2007

[ 'don't you wanna come with me?' ]

i feel submissive. and that scares me - worries me. it's like after everything i said i don't want to take control for a while. i want somenthing else.

i want - i need - someone else to take control for a bit.

even if it's only on me. even if it's sounds sick. even if it's in a small action - i just need -

Submissiveness is not the same as stupidity.

i need to be like that, at least once. i really do.

i dunno why, i just do i need it - and want it.


ps. you should ignore that pals, i'm not making much sense right now.

2 comentarios:

Paly Messer S. dijo...


We had/are/will be a fucking twins.
If you read my latest post, you will see that I'm asking for the same thing.
Someone who cares about me... someone who take the control.

Loves you, missing you

MrBrightside dijo...

muchas gracias lady r por sus suertes deseadas. Estoy estudiando mucho, esto de la facultad hace milagros realmente. Bueno en la cabeza tengo arquitrabes, fustes, capiteles y distintas palabras arquitectonicas, asiq no carburo muy bien.
Con respecto a tus palabras, todos necesitan alguna vez que los controlen un poco y los cuiden. Everyone needs to feel protected, even the most powerful people. Siempre llega el momento que la soledad se siente, aunque estemos muy comodos solos, es inevitable no pensar que falta alguien al lado.

Salu2 desde la Republica de Flores. Mrb